![Photo provided by Bezenwepy](https://www.roundtable.kemeticrecon.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/maat.jpg)
Ma’at, and it’s opposite isfet, are central concepts in the Kemetic religion. For this round, we discuss how these concepts play a role in our practices.
Ma’at and isfet: What are these concepts? What role do they play in your practice?
- On Balance by Of She-Wolves and Lionesses
- Ma’at and Isfet by Mystical Bewilderment
- Isfet by In the Desert of Seth
- Creation, Uncreation and Balance by The Twisted Rope
- Live in Ma’at. Oppose Isfet by For the Netjer
- Ma’at and Isfet by elja-healing
- Ma’at and Isfet by bbjkrss
- Love and Hate, Creation and Destruction by The Senen Ring